
Trial Level Research and Writing (for other attorneys)

Pleadings, Memos, Motions, Etc.: $125-$150/hr


Writing/Drafting Briefs for Other Attorneys

For appellate matter or consultation, brief drafting (or entry of appearance to be “on the brief”) /no representation of the appeal client:

Rate for Maryland appeals: $175-200/hr.

Rate for Federal appeals: $225-250/hr.

Rate for US Supreme Court: $275-300/hr.

(either petition for writ of certiorari or brief)

For brief writing/drafting, either “on the brief” or otherwise, with a review of a modest record and transcript (assuming the record extract/ joint appendix is compiled and printed by the trial attorney, if not, add a minimum of an additional 5-8 hours), is $2,500 – $3,750 (for Maryland appeals) and $4,000 – $5,000 (for Federal appeals). Fee is based upon the complexity of research, size of the record, and other associated issues.

Contact this office for an estimate of your appellate matter.


Conducting an Appeal from this Office

For representation of an appeal client (whether transferred by a trial attorney or original contact with the appeal client):

Maryland appeals: $300- $375 per hour

Federal appeals: $350-$375 per hour

US Supreme Court: $400-$450 per hour

(either petition for writ of certiorari or brief)

Every appeal is unique, but generally a rough estimate of fees and expenses for an appeal to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals–reviewing a modest record and transcript and with issues on appeal limited–is $7,000-$8,500.

Contact this office for an estimate of fees and expenses for your appeal.


Expenses (for general information only)

Every appeal is unique, however, generally the top three expenses (or time of an attorney or paralegal) in an appeal are:

Transcript costs: Costs range from a simple two-hour court hearing transcript to a multi-day transcript of a jury trial. The full transcript need not be ordered, much depends upon the issues to be raised on appeal and the record below. Thus, the estimates vary widely.

Allow for at least: $400-$800

Compiling the Record Extract (or Joint Appendix): Costs range from a single volume extract to a multi-volume record. Much depends upon the issues to be raised on appeal and certain requirements of the Rules. Compiling and checking the record extract, and the required coordinating with the other side, can take up considerable time. Again, the estimates vary with the size and complexity of the appeal.

Allow for at least: $750-$1,000 (this is not strictly an expense but an estimate of time for the attorney compiling the record extract, however, the time it usually requires can be extensive)

Printing, Filing and Serving the Brief and Record Extract (or Joint Appendix): Once the brief and record extract are ready, they must be printed, filed and served.

Allow for at least: $350-$750

[For example, in the Maryland Court of Special Appeals, 15 copies of a brief are required to be filed and 10 copies of a record extract are required to be filed, along with two copies of both to be served on the other side. This usually gives 20 copies of a brief and 15 copies of a record extract. This printing can be a significant expenditure (along with physical filing in the court and service upon the other side). This does not include electronic filing. Again, much depends on the extent of the record extract and the size of the brief.]


Expenses Not Charged (by my office)

Initial consultation, the usual letter or email, phone calls that are less than 15 minutes, travel time within Baltimore metro area (law library, etc.), initial contact of the other side, and –if needed– the entry of appearance are not charged.

Expenses Charged/Additional Expenses

Again, every appeal is unique, however, other expenses to be anticipated include (for example, an appeal to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals):

–notice of appeal;

–travel to/from the Courts of Appeals building in Annapolis to review, and if necessary copy certain pages of the trial court record (if the trial attorney does not have a complete record and the trip is imperative concerning the issues on appeal);

–travel to/from and overnight stay in Annapolis for any oral argument;

–travel to the trial attorney’s office to consult with the trial attorney on the case; and

–any other travel or necessary expenses.



An advance on estimate of fees and expenses, for an appeal or brief writing/ drafting, is required for an appellate matter to proceed from this office. Credit cards are not accepted.